What to do when I experience water damage?

You may experience water damage in your home at some point. But just because it’s a common occurrence doesn’t make it any less inconvenient or costly. That’s why we’ll be ready to help you get your house dried out and your possessions restored as soon as possible.

-Check to see if your house is structurally intact. Make sure the power and heat are turned off in the flooded area. We don’t want you or anyone in your family to be hurt.

-Call us. Our claims representatives can start your claim and help you decide what to do next.

-If the water damage has made it impossible to live in your home, one of our claims representatives can help you relocate until your home is back to normal.

-Write a list of damaged or lost items and include their purchase date and value, with receipts.

-Take photos of any water damage in your home and any damaged personal property belongings.

– Wear gloves and boots to clean and disinfect if needed. Prevent mould by removing wet contents as soon as possible. Open windows and use fans to help dry the area.

-Call City Hall and let them know about the situation, in case your water damage was related to the city sewers. After water damage, some items in your home may need to be thrown out. Don’t forget to take a picture first, so you can include those items in your claim.

