Claims question: a damaged hearing aid

For the people who wear them, hearing aids are indispensable. Unfortunately, they are often expensive. And while users generally try to take good care of them, accidents happen, as do fires and floods. That raises the question: Are hearing aids insured?

Whether your child loses their hearing aid at school or at the playground, or your device gets damaged as the result of a fall or other incident, here is some useful information about insurance coverage.

Answer from Karine, claims centre agent: If your device is damaged or lost, it’s important to contact your insurer to find out if your home insurance policy covers it.

Hearing aid

You also need to check your private health insurance policy because it may cover all or part of the cost of replacing your hearing aid.

If this  option doesn’t work, and depending on the type of protection your home insurance policy provides, the costs of repairing or replacing your damaged hearing aid may be covered by your insurer. Be advised, however, that your policy is subject to certain conditions, insurance limits and/or a deductible.

The important thing is to call us so that we can look at all the relevant information and assess the situation!