Travelling Without Worry


What paperwork do I need?

When abroad, make sure you carry multiple photocopies of your passport (and other important documents like a visa) stashed away separately from the originals. When necessary show authorities the original documents, but if for some reason you've lost the originals, a copy could prevent you from facing problems with local authorities and can quickly show that you are, in fact, allowed to be in the country.

Packing with a purpose

When packing for your trip, in addition to packing your clothes and personal items such as a mobile phone, tablet or laptop, remember you can access everything related to your home insurance policy through our online tools, like our app! It includes coverage for your possessions when on vacation, so it's a good idea to have it handy in case of theft or vandalism. Also promptly advise police if you've been robbed or your items have been vandalized and keep a copy of the police report to take back home. You can replace what you need immediately by paying for it out of your own pocket but keep the receipts for potential reimbursement once you return home and make a claim.

Have a plan—and a friend.

Finally, if you are leaving for more than 30 days, have someone you trust be your home's guardian angel to make sure nothing happens while you are away. This person can also help with a situation that requires immediate attention, like a tree falling on your roof or a leaky water tank. Your friend can also pick up any accumulated mail and turn on some lights to make your home less interesting to burglars.

So get ready and enjoy your trip with the assurance that your return will be as sweet as the memories you'll make.